Friday, June 20, 2008

Maya News Updates Banner 2007
Maya News Updates 2008, No. 32: Southern Yuctan, Mexico - Collection of Ceramic Plates Recently Excavated
A single photograph and short caption in today's, Friday June 20, 2008, edition of La Crónica de Hoy reported on the recent discovery of several early Classic Maya ceramic plates in the south of the state of Yucatan, Mexico. Archaeologist Thelma Sierra Sosa is associated with the Centro INAH Yucatán (edited by MNU):
Ritos funerarios - La arqueóloga Thelma Sierra Sosa muestra uno de los platos ceremoniales mortuorios hallados recientemente por el [Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia] en el sur del estado de Yucatán, utilizado en ritos funerarios y que pertenecen al periodo preclásico (foto: Notimex) (source La Crónica de Hoy).
At present I have not been able to find further information on the identity of the archaeological site where the plates were excavated or the name of the particular archaeological project.


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