Saturday, November 27, 2010
Past Exhibit: "Dancing into Dreams: Maya Vases of the Ik’ Kingdom" (Princeton University Art Museum; October 6, 2012 - February 17, 2013)
Upcoming Maya Events (2016)
Imágenes de la Mitología Maya (2011)
- Preview of the book available at Google Books (published by Museo Popol Vuh/UFM)
- Interview with the author Oswaldo Chinchilla Mazariegos

Book to the Leiden exhibition "Maya 2012" (Dutch language; authored by Erik Boot, Laura van Broekhoven, and Martin Berger; KIT Publishers, 2010)
Colonial Ch’olti’: The Seventeenth-Century Morán Manuscript (OU Press, 2010)
The Road to Ruins, written by Ian Graham (2010)
Closed: "Herz der Maya" opened November 7, 2010, Museum für Völkerkunde, Hamburg, Germany
Biblioteca Digital Mexicana Launched (links will be extended at Ancient MesoAmerica Updates only)
- Biblioteca Digital Mexicana
- Codex Totomixtlahuaca
- Catecismo Testeriano
- Códice Chavero de Huexotzingo
- Códice Colombino
- Códice de Huamantla
- Mapa de Sigüenza
- Matrícula de tributos
- Códices del Marquesado del Valle
- Códices Techialoyan de Cuajimalpa
Available from PBS on YouTube: Cracking the Maya Code
New installments coming up in 2013
Upcoming MesoAmerican and Central American Events (2013)
Archaeology Magazine (Sept/Oct 2009) Reports on the Oropéndola Structure at Copan
Available at Asociación Copán (2007)
INAH TV @ YOUTUBE: Short Introductory Videos on Archaeological Sites (commentary in Spanish) (Maya sites selection)
Selection of Sociedad Española de Estudios Mayas (SEEM) Publications Now Online
- Sociedad Española de Estudios Mayas Home Page at UCM
- Revista MAYAB
- SEEM 1986: Los mayas de los tiempos tardíos
- SEEM 1993: Perspectivas antropológicas en el mundo maya
- SEEM 1995: Religión y sociedad en el área maya
- SEEM 1998: Anatomía de una civilización: aproximaciones interdisciplinarias a la cultura maya
- SEEM 2001: Reconstruyendo la ciudad maya: el urbanismo en las sociedades antiguas
- SEEM 2001: Los derechos humanos en tierras mayas: política, representaciones y moralidad
World Digital Library: Selection of Online Manuscripts and Books on Mesoamerica
- Caja de Tortuguero/Tortuguero Box
- Colección de Estampas Copiadas de las Figuras . . . de Chiapas, 1787
- El modo de cómo hacían la pintura los indígenas (fake!!)
- Newe Zeittung. Von dem Lande. Das die Sponier funden haben ym 1521. Iare genant Jucatan
- La Espléndida narración de Fernando Cortés acerca de la Nueva España [...]
- Huexotzinco Codex, 1531
- Vocabulario manual de las lenguas castellana, y mexicana
- Códice Totomixtlahuaca, 1581
- Hvei tlamahviçoltica omonexiti in ilhvicac tlatocacihvapilli Santa Maria totlaçonantzin Gvadalvpe [...]
Arqueología mexicana 106: El culto a los ancestros en Mesoamérica
Arqueología mexicana 103: Augurios, profecías y pronósticos mayas
Arqueología mexicana Edición Especial 34: Culturas prehispánicas de México
Online video on the Latest Discovery at El Mirador
Balancing the Cosmos: Living Traditions in a Modern Maya City
- Balancing the Cosmos Website
- Balancing the Cosmos on MySpace Films (with preview video)
- Balancing the Cosmos Preview on Mesoweb

Mexico 2007 Trip: Selected Images from the Museo Nacional de Antropologia

Other News of Interest
- Ancient MesoAmerica News Updates
- Localizan ruinas mayas con imágenes de radar (28-09-2009)
- Otorgan a Miguel León-Portilla galardón El Caballero Águila (26-06-2009)
- Native Americans descended from a single ancestral group, DNA study confirms (29-04-2009)
- Agricultural Clues of Early North American Civilization (06-04-2009)
- Exigen anular decretos de Carlos Salinas sobre monumentos de Palenque (20-02-2009)
- Ganadores del Premio Palenque 2008 (01-11-2008)
- Una mirada a la historia nacional mediante la pintura y arquitectura (26-10-2008)
- 76 Masterpieces from the Museo Amparo on Exhibit at the Castillo de Chapultepec, Mexico City
- New exhibit: El hombre temprano en América (18-10-2008)
- Afectará pérdida de lenguas indígenas a cultura de México (24-09-2008)
- Rinden homenaje a William Sanders: En la XX FLAH (24-09-2008)
- Protegen mascarones mayas: Xcambo (18-09-2008)
- Tahitian Vanilla Originated In Maya Forests, Says Botanist (25-08-2008)
- Desarrollan modelos digitales de edificios mayas (22-08-2008)
- De Tulum, la mujer más antigua del continente americano (13-08-2008)
- Nanoparticulas y microemulsiones podrian ser la panacea en la restauracion del siglo XXI (11-08-2008)
- Los habitantes mas antiguos de Mexico alcanzan mas de 10 mil años (08-08-2008)
- Invasores se acercan al parque El Mirador, Petén (05-08-2008)
- Guatemala: Idiomas maternos están en el olvido (27-07-2008)
- Yucatán y Quintana Roo: No hay daños por Dolly en sitios arqueológicos (22-07-2008)
- Prensa Libre's Revista D - Viaje: La histórica Aguateca (21-07-2008)
- Leonardo Patterson se pasea libre por Múnich, pese a acusaciones (18-07-2008)
- Las lenguas indígenas de América están en peligro de desaparecer, dice el INAH (10-07-2008)
- Early origins of maize in Mexico (27-06-2008)
- Exhorta el INAH al municipio de Tulum a no autorizar nuevas obras (24-06-2008)
- Dos libramientos carreteros para conservar sitios arqueológicos: Tankah-Tulum y Izapa (18-06-2008)
- Tanka, área que se sumará a Tulum: INAH (06-06-2008)
- En el lugar del cielo: Caracol (Revista D Viaje) (04-05-2008)
- Living Maya: Austin becomes a hotbed of past and future Maya knowledge (02/01-05-2008)
- Abren recreación de la tumba de Pakal (25-04-2008)
- México posee 364 variantes lingüísticas derivadas de 62 grupos indígenas (29-03-2008)
- Earliest Signs Of Corn As Staple Food Found After Spreading South From Mexican Homeland (25-03-2008)
- Bison bones bolster idea Ice Age seafarers first to Americas (24-03-2008)
- [Native American] DNA links to 6 'founding mothers' (13-03-2008)
- Abren paso a ley reglamentaria en Derecho y Cultura Maya (07-03-2008)
- Distant Native languages bridge Bering Sea (04-03-2008)

Chichen Itza in the News (2007-2010)
- El gobierno federal nunca pugnó por expropiar terrenos en Chichén Itzá (31-03-2010)
- Chichén Itzá generará ingresos para amortizar deuda: consejero (31-03-2010)
- Yucatán compra 80 has en la zona de Chichén Itzá (30-03-2010)
- Piden se inicie la expropiación del terreno de Chichén (17-01-2009)
- Impiden venta de artesanías dentro de Chichén Itzá (17-01-2009)
- Arqueologia mexicana Especial No. 27: Chichén Itzá (27-04-2008)
- Erigirán en Chichén Itzá un gran museo de la civilización maya (01-04-2008)
- Se comprarán mil 500 has en Chichén Itzá, dice el INAH (08-12-2007)
- Mexican standoff: the battle of Chichen Itza (07-11-2007)
- Ownership Fight Erupts Over Maya Ruins: Chichen Itza (17-10-2007)
- Listos los fondos para comprar predios de Chichén Itzá: De Maria (01-10-2007)
- La adquisición de predios es el máximo escollo para el INAH (01-08-2007)
- Batalla legal en México por la propiedad de los terrenos de Chichén Itzá (25-07-2007)
- Rechaza el titular del INAH, por ahora, expropiar Chichén Itzá (25-07-2007)
- Considera Miguel León-Portilla que Chichén Itzá debe ser expropiado (18-07-2007)
- Estudia el INAH dar otros terrenos a los Barbachano a cambio de Chichén Itzá (16-07-2007)
- Piden diputados al gobierno expropiar el predio donde se asienta Chichén Itzá (10-07-2007)
- Aseguran que Nuevas 7 Maravillas fomentan discriminación (09-06-2007)
- Chichén Itzá es del dominio público, pero se asienta en predios privados (23-05-2007)
- El INAH actuará 'conforme a derecho' ante 'prácticas furtivas' en Chichén Itzá (15-05-2007)
Formative Soconusco (David Brown Book Company, 2010)
Maya Archaeology, 1 (Precolumbia Mesoweb Press, 2009)
Exhibition catalog: "Fiery Pool: The Maya and the Mythic Sea (Peabody Essex Museum)" (2009)
Available at University Press of Florida
Available at Cambridge University Press
Available at Thames & Hudson
Available at Thames & Hudson
Available at University of Texas Press
Available at University of Texas Press
Available at Random House
Available at Thames & Hudson
News Reports on the VI Mesa Redonda de Palenque (November 16-21, 2008)
- Official Website for the VI Mesa Redonda de Palenque
- Integrará INAH equipos multidisciplinarios en pro del patrimonio arqueológico
- Gobernantes mayas fueron más longevos que faraones
- Estudio sobre caminos mayas gana Premio Palenque
- Debaten especialistas lugar de origen de la dinastía maya
- Epigrafía revelea organización política maya
- Confirman desarollo temprano de la escritura maya
- Inauguran la muestra "Ian Graham. 50 años registrando monumentos mayas"
- Rendirán homenaje al reconocido especialista Ian Graham
The Palenque Round Table Series/Serie Mesa Redonda de Palenque (1973-1993), online editions by Mesoweb
- First Palenque Round Table (1973), Part I
- First Palenque Round Table (1973), Part II
- Second Palenque Round Table (1974)
- Third Palenque Round Table (1978), Part 1
- Third Palenque Round Table (1978), Part 2
- Fourth Palenque Round Table (1980)
- Fifth Palenque Round Table (1983)
- Sixth Palenque Round Table (1986)
- Seventh Palenque Round Table (1989)
- Eighth Palenque Round Table (1993)
Four Short Videos on the Maya
- Los mayas (documental)(10:09)
- Los mayas (video slide-show)(03:51)
- Los mayas yucatecas: cultura viva (video slide-show)(06:54)
- Palenque: La Ciudad de los Hombres Verdaderos (03:00)
Previous Posts
- Maya News Updates 2016, No. 5: New Maya Exhibit i...
- Maya News Updates 2016, No. 4: New Maya Exhibit i...
- Maya News Updates 2016, No. 3: New Maya Exhibit...
- Maya News Updates 2016, No. 2: New Maya Exhibit i...
- Maya News Updates 2016, No. 1: New Maya Exhibit i...
- The 2013 EMC in Brussels is near
- 2013 European Maya Conference, Brussels, Belgium, ...
- Maya News Updates 2013, No. 3: Xtojil, Yucatan
- Maya News Updates 2013, No. 2: Palenque
- Maya News Updates 2013, No. 1
Links (General)
- Academia de Lenguas Mayas de Guatemala (ALMG)
- Ancient Scripts
- Ancient Maya Zoological Research
- Archive of Indigineous Languages of Chiapas
- ArchaeoBlog
- Architecture and Sculpture of Polol, El Peten, Guatemala
- Arqueologia mexicana
- Asociacion Copan
- Asociacion Oxlajuuj Keej Maya Ajtziib (OKMA)
- Asociacion Tikal
- Atlas Arqueologico de Guatemala
- Aztlan Archive
- Azul Maya / Maya Blue Pigment
- Breaking the Maya Code: Movie Information & Online Files
- Canadian Society for Mesoamerican Studies
- Centro de Estudios Mayas
- Ch'ol de Tumbala
- CIRMA - Antigua
- Cracking the Maya Code: NOVA Movie
- Culture without Context
- David Stuart's Maya Decipherment Weblog
- Des moines chez les Mayas
- Digital Cahuleu - Digital Maya Universe
- Dumbarton Oaks
- Edgar's Maya Art Page
- Educacion Bilingue Intercultural
- Electronic Atlas of the Maya Area
- Environmental Archaeology
- e-Kaqchikel Project Website (Stone Center, Tulane)
- Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc
- Foyer Americaniste
- Friends of the Maya Website
- Friends of the Maya Blog
- Fundación Nacional de Arqueología de El Salvador
- Hach Winik Home Page (Lacandon)
- Ruins Preserved: Ancient Monuments in Plaster (Harvard)
- IHAH (Honduras)
- INAH (Mexico)
- INAH - Consejo de Arqueologia
- International Cultural Property Protection
- Jay I. Kislak Foundation
- Justin Kerr's
- Latin American Studies
- Maize of Guatemala / Maiz de Guatemala
- Maya Archaeology News and Links (Ruggeri)
- Maya at the Playa Symposia
- Mayan Esteem Project
- Maya Exploration Center
- Maya Tun Dance - Discover the Highland Maya of Guatemala
- Mayistas (replacing Glotal Maya)
- Mesoamerican Archaeology Web Site
- Mesoamerica Center at UT Austin
- Mesoamerican Cave Archaeology Network
- Mesoamerican Language Documentation Project
- Mesoweb - An Exploration of Mesoamerican Cultures
- Mexicon (the Mexicon website now features two Mesoamerican Bibliographies in PDF, of the "Books" and "Articles in Journals" selections. Additionally, the Mexicon archive of articles from back issues is enlarged frequently)
- Mike Ruggeri's Maya World
- Museo Popol Vuh
- Museo Popol Vuh - Online Conference Videos
- Na Bolom - Chiapas
- Naj Tunich
- Nova Science Now - San Bartolo
- Parque Natural Ixpanpajul (El Petén, Guatemala)
- Pictures of Latin America & the Caribbean
- Santa Rita Corozal Murals
- Sociedad Española de Estudios Mayas (S.E.E.M.)
- Terrae Antiqvae
- The Daily Glyph
- The Maya Archaeometallurgy Project at Lamanai, Belize
- The Maya Astronomy Page
- The Maya Codices Database Project
- The Mayapan Periphery Project
- The Maya Ruins Page
- Traditional High Cultures
- Unaahil B'aak - The Temples of Palenque
- UNESCO Interactive Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger
- Unesco World Heritage Centre
- Unreal Chunchucmil (3D Reconstructions)
- UT Maya Meetings
- Universdad del Valle Guatemala - Historia
- Uxmal, Kabah, Sayil, and Labna: The Puuc Region
- VMA - Virtual Mesoamerican Archive
- Wayeb - European Association of Mayanists
- Yucatan: Identidad y Cultura Maya
- Yumtzilob - Website on the Americas
Museum Guides to Maya Collections
The Maya Codices Online
- Codex Dresden (Germany)
- Codex Madrid (Spain)
- Codex Paris (France)
- Codex Grolier (Mexico)
- The Maya Codices Database Project
- Tobin - The Construction of the Codex in Maya Civilization
- TU Dresden - Die Maya-Handschrift Codex Dresdensis
- SLUB Dresden - Codex Dresdensis - Mscr.Dresd.R.310 (complete online version of the Codex Dresden, in post-war condition)

Online Introductions to Maya Writing, Study Guide, & Glyph Dictionary (updated March 4, 2011)
- Introduction to Maya Hieroglyphs (in English[2010], Spanish[2010], French[2010], and Polish[2009])
- Maya Hieroglyphs Study Guide [revised 2010 edition]
- Maya Hieroglyph Dictionary [updated periodically]
- Maya Hieroglyphic Writing: Introduction, by J. Eric S. Thompson (1950)

Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions Online
- Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions Online
- Itzimte
- Ixkun
- Ixtutz
- La Honradez
- Naranjo
- Pixoy
- Seibal
- Tonina
- Tzum
- Uaxactun
- Ucanal
- Uxmal
- Xcalumkin
- Xultun
- Xunantunich
- Yaltutu
- Yaxchilan

Online Gregorian & Maya Date Converters
- Maya Date Converter [584,283/285]
- Gregorian to Maya Date [584,283]
- Gregorian to Maya date [584,283]
- Gregorian to Maya Date [584,283]
- Maya to Gregorian/Julian Date [584,283/5]
- Mayan Calendrics [Dos-based Program Download]
- MayaDate 4.00 [March 2007 Release, Program Download]
Online Photograph Databases & Collections
- Harvard University Library - Visual Information Access
- Maya Vase Database of Rollout Photographs (Kerr)
- Mesoamerican Photo Archives
- Peabody Museum Collections Online
- Precolumbian Portfolio (Kerr)
- The Linda Schele Photograph Collection
- The Mesoweb-PARI Photo Database

Online Maya (Mesoamerican) Exhibits
- Arts de l'Amèrica Central/Artes de la América Central
- Els Maies/Los Mayas
- Guatemala - El pais del Quetzal
- Images of the Maya
- La Magia de la Risa y el Juego (Veracruz)
- Maya - Portrait of a People
- Maya Antiquity Through the Eyes of Catherwood
- Music from the Land of the Jaguar
- Museo Popol Vuh - Donaciones Recientes
- Museo Popol Vuh - U wach ulew, la faz de la tierra: Conceptos Geográficos de los Antiguos Mayas
- Mystery of the Maya
- Painted Methaphors: Pottery and Politics of the Ancient Maya
- The Cultures and History of the Americas
- Unearthing the Maya - The Stuart Collection
- William P. Palmer III Collection
- World Views - Maya Ceramics from the Palmer Collection
- Universidad Autonoma de Campeche
- Universidad Autonoma de Chiapas
- Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan
- Universidad de Quintana Roo
- Universidad del Valle de Guatemala
- Universidad Francisco Marroquin
- Universidad Juarez Autonoma de Tabasco
- Universidad Rafael Landivar
- University of Belize
Site & Regional Projects
- Aguateca Archaeological Project
- Archaeology of K'axob and Xibun Publications
- Archaeology in Belize and the Caribbean
- Belize River Archaeological Settlement Survey (BRASS) / El Pilar
- Belize Valley Archaeological Reconnaissance Project (BVAR)
- Blue Creek - Maya Research Program
- Bonampak Documentation Project
- Caracol Archaeological Project
- Pakbeh Regional Economy program (Chunchucmil)
- Cochuah Regional Archaeological Survey (CRAS)
- Holmul Archaeological Project
- La Joyanca - une Cité Maya Classique
- Ceren Web Resource: Joya de Cerén, El Salvador
- Lamanai Archaeological Project, Belize
- La Milpa Archaeological Project
- Mayapan: The Economic Foundation Project (NSF Report)
- Mirador Basin National Monument
- Naachtun Archaeological Project
- Nakum Archaeological Project (in Polish)
- Palenque - The Group of the Cross Project (at Mesoweb)
- Piedras Negras Archaeological Project (at FAMSI)
- Postclassic Ceramic Database
- Proyecto Arqueologico Cotzumalguapa (MPV/UFM)
- Proyecto Arqueologico para la Planificacion de la Antigua Copan (PAPAC)
- Proyecto Arqueologico Regional El Paraiso (Honduras)
- Proyecto Arqueológico Xoclán (Yucatan, Mexico)
- Proyecto Labna-Kiuic
- Proyecto San Bartolo
- Sierra del Lacandon Archaeological Project
- Tikal Digital Access Project at FAMSI
- Tikal Digital Access Project at UPenn
- Triangulo Cultural - Yaxha Nakum Naranjo
- Upper Pasion Archaeological Cave Survey (Vanderbilt University)
- Waka' - El Peru Archaeological Project [under construction]
- Yaxuna Archaeological Project
Online Maps of the Maya Area (Selection)(Updated 27-12-2008)
- Maps of the Maya Area (MAYAGIS)
- Maps of Archaeological Sites (MEC)
- State of Campeche (INEGI)
- State of Chiapas (SCT)
- State of Quintana Roo (INEGI)
- State of Tabasco (INEGI)
- State of Yucatan (INEGI)
- North Yucatan Peninsula (NASA-EO)
- Maps of Guatemala (Prensa Libre)
- Map of Honduras
Personal Web Essays & Documents (Selection)
- At the Court of Itzam Nah Yax Kokaj Mut (2008)
- Bat Sign in Maya Hieroglyphic Writing (2009)
- Butz’aj Sak Chi’ik, The Third Palenque Ruler (2000)
- Chochola-Maxcanu Ceramic Vessel in a 1930's Collection (2006)
- Dos Pilas Hieroglyphic Stairway 2 (2002)
- Dos Pilas Hieroglyphic Stairway 4 (2002)
- Early Maya Writing - The Antwerp Museum Stela (2006)
- Human Hand in Maya Writing (2003)
- Initial Sign on Kerr No. 4961 (2003)
- Initial Sign on Kerr No. 8123 (2003)
- Initial Sign as /ALAY/ (2005)
- Left- and Right-Handedness (2003)
- Long-Lipped Corner Masks as the Animated Hill/Mountain (2004)
- Otot as a Vessel Classification for a Footed Bowl (2009)
- Performance and Competence of a Maya Scribe (2003)
- Plates with a Rare Vessel Type (2004)
- Portraits of Four Kings of the Early Classic? (2005)
- T229 as the Sign for PA' (2004)
- The Yotz Kanpet Bowl (2003)
- Tikal Dancer Plates (2003)
- Tripod Plate in a Private Collection (2005)
- Unique Vessel Type Spelling (2005)
- Vessel Fit for a Feast (2005)
- Vessel Types on Ceramics (2005)
- What Happened on 7 Manik' 5 Woh? (2006)
- Yaxha'al Chak on a Maya Vessel (2004)
My Dissertation on Chichen Itza
Online Dissertations & MA theses (Selections)
- Acuna Smith - La Ceramica del Clasico Temprano de Piedras Negras
- Audet - The Political Organization of the Belize Valley
- Barrett - Inequality in lithic resource access among the ancient Maya of Blue Creek, Belize
- Barrois - Les Sculptures Associées aux Jeux de Balle dans l’Aire Méso-Américaine (2nd ed./prt. 1)
- Barrois - Les Sculptures Associées aux Jeux de Balle dans l’Aire Méso-Américaine (2nd ed./prt. 2)
- Bonnafoux - Etude iconographique des céramiques du Classique ancien dans les basses terres mayas
- Bourg - Ancient Maya Music Now With Sound
- Callaway - The Maya Cross at Palenque: A Reappraisal
- Carrasco - The Mask Flange Iconographic Complex
- Collins - Centeredness as a Cultural and Grammatical Theme in Maya-Mam
- Coon - Roots and Words in Chol
- Cortes Rincon - Fortification Developments throughout the Maya Region and Implications for Warfare
- Dacus - Weaving the Past
- Duerr - Morphologie, Syntax und Textstrukturen des (Maya-)Quiche des Popol Vuh
- Garcia Barrios - Chaahk, el dios de la lluvia, en el período clásico maya
- Garcia-Campillo - Antroponimia y toponimia en las inscripciones mayas clasicas de Yucatan
- Golden - Investigation of the Early Classic/Late Classic Divide at Piedras Negras
- Grana-Behrens - Die Maya-Inschriften aus Nordwestyukatan, Mexiko
- Gunsenheimer - Geschichtstradierung in den yukatekischen Chilam Balam-Buchern
- Gutiérrez Sánchez - Las clases de los verbos intransitivos y el alineamiento agentivo en el chol de Tila
- Hull - Verbal Art and Performance in Ch'orti' and Maya Hieroglyphic Writing
- Johnson - Ancient Soil Resource Investigations at Piedras Negras
- Kettunen - Nasal Motifs in Maya Iconography (1st edition)
- Kettunen - Nasal Motifs in Maya Iconography (2nd ed./prt.1)
- Kettunen - Nasal Motifs in Maya Iconography (2nd ed./prt.2)
- Kovacevich - Reconstructing Classic Maya Economic Systems
- Kurnick - A Study of Maya Censers from the Guatemala Highlands
- Lacadena - Evolucion formal de las grafias escriturarias mayas
- Law - A Grammatical Description of Early Classic Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions
- Lund - An Anthropological Examination of Classic Maya Burials from Moho Cay, Belize
- Martinez - Murals and the Development of Merchant Activity at Chichen Itza
- Minjares - Human Skeletal Remains in the Caves of Dos Pilas
- Mirro - The Political Appropiation of Caves in the Upper Belize Valley
- Mora-Marin - Late Preclassic Portable Texts
- Muñoz - Late Classic Ceramics of Piedras Negras
- Nelson - Settlement and Population at Piedras Negras
- Ochoa-Winemiller - A Multidisciplinary Approach to Modern Maya Houses in Yucatan, Mexico
- Padilla - kab Muclil: A Classic to Postclassic Hinterland Settlement in Northwestern Belize
- Pallan - Estudios de caso sobre textos jeroglificos mayas
- Pemberton - Models for Ancient Maya Coastal Site Development and Economy
- Perez Robles - La Secuencia Ceramica del Periodo Preclasico de Piedras Negras
- Russell - Postclassic Maya Settlement on the Rural Urban Fringe of Mayapán (2 vols.)
- Scherer - Dental analysis of Classic period population variability in the Maya area
- Searcy - Mayan Metate Ethnoarchaeology
- Shklovsky - Person marking in Petalcingo Tzeltal
- Sills - The Architecture of Ancient Maya Saltmaking
- Somers - Hidden Landscapes of the Ancient Maya
- Spenard - The Gift in the Cave (Cancuen, Guatemala)
- Sweitz - Household archaeology at Hacienda Tabi, Yucatan, Mexico
- Teufel - Die Monumentalskulpturen von Piedras Negras, Peten, Guatemala
- Vazquez Alvarez - Morfologia del verbo de la lengua Cholde Tila
- Voss - Die nichtkeramischen Kleinfunde aus Xkipche, Yucatan, Mexico
- Wald - The Verbal Complex in Classic-Period Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions
- Werness - Pabellon Molded-Carved Ceramics: A Consideration in Light of the Terminal Classic Collapse of Classic Maya Civilization
- Wheeler - The Organization of Agricultural Production on the Southwest Periphery of the Maya Lowlands
- Winemiller - Water Resource Management by the Ancient Maya of Yucatan
- Woelfel - Eine Untersuchung zur politischen Organisation von Calakmul
- Woodfill - Shrines of the Pasion-Verapaz Region, Guatemala - Ritual and Exchange Along An Ancient Trade Route
- Wright - Soil Stable Carbon Isoptope Analysis of Landscape Features at Aguateca
- Yacubic - The Chipped Stone Tool Industries of Blackman Eddy
- Yermakhanova - Kingship, Structures and Access Patterns on the Royal Plaza at Altun Ha
The (Maya) Ballgame
- CalState - The Ulama Project 2003
- Palmer Collection - Ballgame
- The Mesoamerican Ballgame
- Tokovinine - Divine Patrons of the Ballgame
- Tokovinine - The Royal Ballgame of the Ancient Maya
- Woelfel - Das Ballspiel der klassischen Maya

Indigenous Maya Books
- Chilam Balam of Chumayel (Gordon)
- Chilam Balam of Chumayel (Roys)
- Chilam Balam of Chumayel (Princeton University Library Digital Collections)
- Popol Wuj - The Newberry Manuscript Online (Ohio State University Library)
- Popol Vuh (ALMG)
- Popol Vuh (Christenson)
- Popol Vuh (Goetz & Morley)
- Popol Vuh (Recinos)
- Popol Vuh (Tedlock)
- Popol Vuh (Invitation to World Literature website)
- Rabinal Achi (Project Gutenberg)
Online Maya Dictionaries
- Achi (ALMG)
- Awateko (ALMG)
- Chuj (ALMG)
- Ch'ol (Tumbala)
- Ch'olti' (Moran 1695)(1)
- Ch'olti' (Moran 1695)(2)
- Ch'olti' (Feldman)
- Ch'orti' (ALMG)
- Ch'orti' (based on Perez 1994)
- Ch'orti' (Hull)
- Ch'orti' (Wisdom 1950)
- Classic Maya (Boot 2003)
- Itza (ALMG)
- Itza (based on Hoffling 1991)
- K'iche' (Christenson)
- Lacandon (based on Bruce 1968)
- Mam (ALMG)
- Maya (Etymological)
- Mayan Languages (Dienhart)
- Mopan (ALMG)
- Pokom (Colonial)
- Poqomam (ALMG)
- Poqomchi (ALMG)
- Q'anjob'al (ALMG)
- Q'eqchi' (ALMG)
- Sakapulteko (ALMG)
- Sipakapense (ALMG)
- Tektiteko (ALMG)
- Tzeltal (Ara n.d.)
- Tzeltal (draft)
- Tzotzil (based on Haviland 1981)
- Yucatec Maya (AULEX)
- Yucatec Maya (Combined Dictionary)
- Yucatec Maya (UADY)
- Yucatec Maya: La lengua maya de Yucatán (Universität Erfurt) (under construction)
Online Maya Grammars
- Ch'ol (German)
- Colonial K'iche' (German)
- K'iche' (Notas de gramatica)
- Tzeltal (English)
- Tzeltal (Spanish)
- Tzeltal de Petalcingo
- Tzotzil de Zinacantan (English)
- Tzotzil de Zinacantan (Spanish)
- Yucatec Maya (Bolles)
Online Maya Monographs (new URLs)
- Choles (Garcia 2007)
- Chuj (Limon Aguirre 2007)
- Mayas (Ruz 2006)
- Chontales (Flores López 2006)
- Lacadones (Eroza Solona 2006)
- Huastecos de San Luis Potosí (Gallardo Arias 2004)
- Huastecos de Veracruz (Valle Esquivel & Hernández Alvarado 2006)
- Mames de Chiapas (Quintana Hernández & Rosales 2006)
- Tojolabales (Cuadriello Olivos & Megchún Rivera 2006)
- Tzeltales (Gómez Muñoz 2004)
- Tzotziles (Obregón Rodríguez 2003)
- Opening page for the CDI Monographs
Online Maya Monuments & Portable Objects Drawing Archives
Online Documents on the Snake Kingdom
- Calakmul, Its History and Sphere of Influence (containing many links and online files)
- Slideshow: Linda and David Schele's photos of Calakmul
- Arqueologia mexicana 42: Calakmul
- Letras Libres: Viaje al corazón de Calakmul
- Mesoamerican Photo Archives: Calakmul
- Prager: A Classic Maya Ceramic Vessel from the Calakmul Region in the Museum zu Allerheiligen, Schaffhausen
- Martin: Of Snakes and Bats: Shifting Identities at Calakmul (Martin)
- Grube: Toponyms, Emblem Glyphs, and the Political Geography of Southern Campeche
- Ruppert: Oxpemul
- Esparza Olguín & Pérez Gutiérrez: Archaeological and Epigraphic Studies in Pol Box, Quintana Roo
- Velasquez Garcia: The Captives of Dzibanche
- Galindo-Leal: La Biosfera de Calakmul
Online Books, Reports, and Articles (Selection)
- A Study of Classic Maya Sculpture
- Agricultural Terrace Productivity in the Maya Lowlands of Belize
- Analyses of Late Classic Ulua Marble Vases and Potential Sources
- Ancient Anthrosols in Residential Areas at Piedras Negras
- Ancient Maya Causeways and Site Organization at Caracol
- Aprendizaje de la historia oral por la nuevas generaziones
- Archaeological Impact Assessment, Northern Ambergris Caye, Belize
- Archaeological mural samples containg Maya blue pigment
- Archaeology of the Belize Valley in Historical Perspective
- Arqueologia y medio ambiente del Peten
- Campeche Archaeology at the Turn of the Century
- Cenotes en la peninsula de Yucatan
- Cerámica arqueológica del río la Venta, Chiapas
- Chan: The 2000 Year History of an Ancient Maya Farming Community in Belize
- Cho'qu'muc: La destrucción de un sitio arqueológico
- Climate and the Collapse of the Maya
- Cofradias y hermandades en el mundo maya colonial
- Comentarios sobre la arquitectura de Oxkintok
- Copan - The History of an Ancient Maya Kingdom
- Cultural Responses to Climate Change
- Death and Veneration at El Perú-Waka': Structure M14-15 as Ancestor Shrine
- Descubrimiento de la Tumba I del Templo de la Calavera (Palenque)
- Did the Maya build architectural cosmograms?
- Diseño de las plazas de tipo ceremonial en Palenque
- Does Climate Make History?
- Early Maya Writing at San Bartolo
- Ek Balam: A New Emblem Glyph
- El Zotz' - Temporada 2006
- El Zotz' - Temporada 2007
- Environmental Archaeology at Motul de San Jose
- Excavaciones en el norte del Palacio, Palenque
- Function and Meaning in Classic Maya Architecture
- Guia de viajeros: Chichén Itzá
- Recorridos por Chichén Itzá (PDF)
- Mapa de la zona arqueológica de Chichén Itzá (PDF)
- Guia de viajeros: Copan
- Guia de viajeros: Tikal
- Guatemala's Ancient Maya - Earthwatch Report - Kaplan
- Habitat maya rural de Yucatan
- Hamacas y cambio social en Yucatan
- Human biology in the Classic Maya collapse
- Ideologia de Sacrificio entre los Mayas
- Identifying Migrants to Tikal
- In Search of the "Maya Diet"
- In Search of Yax Nuun Ayiin I
- Investigaciones arqueologicas en Machaquila
- Investigating Activity Patterns in Prehispanic Plazas
- Izapa, Chiapas: Considerations and Alternatives for Road Encrouchment
- Kaminaljuyu Stela 10
- La region Puuc de Yucatan
- La variabilite architecturale dans les basses terres mayas
- Los Mayas II
- Maya Diet in the Northern Lowlands of the Yucatan
- Maya Perception of Ancestral Remains
- Moral-Reforma y la contienda, Tabasco
- Negotiating Sex and Gender in Classic Maya Society
- New perspectives on the ancient Maya
- New perspectives on the Postclassic period in the northern Maya lowlands
- Pathoecology and paleodiet in Postclassic/Historic Maya in Belize
- Proyecto Arqueológico El Perú-Waka': Informe No.1, Temporada 2003
- Proyecto Arqueológico El Perú-Waka': Informe No.2, Temporada 2004
- Proyecto Arqueológico El Perú-Waka': Informe No.3, Temporada 2005
- Proyecto Arqueológico El Perú-Waka': Informe No.4, Temporada 2006
- Potonchan y Santa Maria de la Victora - Una propuesta
- Pushing back Maya origins
- Re-evaluation of the Earthworks at Tikal, Guatemala: Phase 2
- Recent Advances in Maya Archaeology
- Recent Trends in Theorizing Prehispanic Mesoamerican Economies
- Regional Variation in Maya Cave Art
- Relecturas de la narrativa yucateca en el contexto del Caribe
- Pathoecology and paleodiet in Postclassic/Historic Maya from Belize
- Population, Development, and Environment on the Yucatan Peninsula
- Propagande et jeux politique chez les mayas de la periode classique
- Political geography of Southern Campeche, Mexico
- Pushing Back Maya Origins
- Recent Investigations at Pusilha, Belize
- Settlement Distribution in the Palenque Area
- Sitios arqueologicos de Tabasco
- Spatial analyses and Maya cultural landscape
- Structure 1 of Chunchimai 3
- Sur de Quintana Roo
- The Classic Maya Ceremonial Bar
- The Cosmic Maya (review of "Treasures of Sacred Maya Kings"
- The Hero Twins: Myth and Image (Coe 1989)
- The Library of Daniel Garrison Brinton
- The Preclassic Site of Cuello, Belize
- The Tomb of K'inich Janaab Pakal: The Temple of the Inscriptions at Palenque
- The Use of Pine by the Ancient Maya at Tikal
- Two Early Classic Murals
- Unfinished temple at the Classic Maya centre of Aguateca, Guatemala
- Viaje al corazón de Calakmul
- Where Is Lowland Maya Archaeology Headed?
Online Bulletins, Round Tables, Simposios, & Notes
- Aztlan E-Journal
- Boletin La Pintura Mural Prehispanica en Mexico
- Bolom - Revista
- Copan Notes
- David Stuart's Notes
- Estudios de Cultura Maya
- Gacetas espeleodifusión (Yucatan)
- Glyph Dwellers
- FAMSI Journal on the Ancient Americas
- K'aylaay - El Canto de la Memoria
- Lakamha'
- MARL Publications (UTexas): Mono y Conejo
- Revista MAYAB (SEEM, Madrid, Spain)
- Mesoweb - Articles (incl. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing)
- Mesoweb - Publications
- Palenque Round Table Series
- Reportes del Atlas Arqueologico de Guatemala (Nos. 16-18)
- Serie de Conferencias del Museo Popol Vuh
- Simposios de Investigaciones Arqueologicas de Guatemala
- Texas Notes
- Wayeb Notes
Ancient Languages & Writing Systems
- The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the World's Ancient Languages
- The First Writing, Script Invention as History and Process
- The Idea of Writing: Play and Complexity
- Margins of Writing, Origins of Culture (Print version)
- Margins of Writing, Origins of Culture (Online version)
- The World's Writing Systems
- The Idea of Writing I-V Symposia
- Origins of Early Writing Systems (Oct. 5-7, 2007, Beijing)
- Caeno Foundation: Chronology of events, epochs and civilizations

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