Maya News Updates 2006, No. 52: Upcoming Maya Exhibit in Germany
During the 11th EMC it was announced officially, in 2007-2008 a new Maya exhibit can be viewed in Germany. The title of this exhibit will be "Maya - Könige aus dem Regenwald".

Above a scan of the front of the preliminary leaflet to the exhibit that was made available during the 11th EMC. Below a scan of the back of the leaflet (in German only).

The exhibit will be organized by the Ausstellungszentrum Lokschuppen in Rosenheim and the Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum in Hildesheim. First the exhibit will be shown in Rosenheim, from March 30 to October 3, 2007. After this period the exhibit moves to Hildesheim where it will be shown from October 19, 2007, to April 13, 2008. Over 200 objects will be shown, from important collections from all over the world. Part of these objects have never been exhibited in Europe before. An illustrated catalog will accompany the exhibits in Rosenheim and Hildesheim and it will be available in German and English. More information on this exhibit will be posted in a future Maya News Update. Additional information on the exhibit and the two venues can be (or will be in the near future) found at the web sites of the two museums:
www.lokschuppen.de (Rosenheim)
www.rpmuseum.de (Hildesheim)