Maya News Updates 2006, No. 42: Apocalypto - Screen Captures from the New Movie Theater Trailer
This posting of Maya News Updates is dedicated to screen captures (employing Gadwin PrintScreen) from the recent movie theater trailer of "Apocalypto" (directed by M. Gibson, Touchstone Pictures [2006]). With a U.S. release date of December 8, 2006, from the new trailer I captured the following screen shots (just a selection), specifically targeted at facial expressions and portraits (with the last screen capture picturing the movie title over the Castillo pyramid at Chichen Itza [my pregorative]):

The present selection of facial expressions and portraits (a very personal one) may provide a nice comparison to the portraits found on the ceramic figurines featured in an earlier Maya News Update (Maya News Updates 2006, No. 40; figurines as found at San Clemente, El Peten, Guatemala). For those movie buffs (... are those facial expressions, ornamentations, etc., the real thing ...) that want to make a (cultural in-depth) comparison to a wide host of Classic Maya facial expressions, portraits, and some of the most important facial ornamentations, please turn to the dissertation by Kettunen (2005/2006), link to be found in the side bar selection (section: Online Dissertations & MA theses). Independent of that very specific search, enjoy ...
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