Wednesday, September 16, 2009

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MNU Photo Special No. 2: Chichen Itza, August 2009
In Maya News Updates 2009, No. 25 & 26 I reported on the recent excavations carried out by INAH archaeologists at the Great Plaza of Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico. These excavations revealed structures predating the emblematic structures at the Great Plaza (such as the Temple of the Warriors, The Colonnade, The Castillo, and the Great Ballcourt). On August 14, 2009, Guido Krempel took the following three photographs, showing the location of the earlier structures as well as providing a view of the extension of the INAH excavations on the east side of the Castillo:

I thank Guido for his kind permission to post these three photographs at Maya News Updates.

1 comment:

  1. Great post,
    I am rebuilding the perimeter wall for Insight Digital, and this was the reference I was looking for.

    Thank you Guido Krempel
